PTO Upcoming Events Calendar

Download PTO Calendar HERE
Visit the above link to subscribe and add PTO and school events to your calendar







  More details and opportunities to volunteer are coming soon!


One of our biggest events of the year is approaching. Here's how you can help our Auction: Request Form



 The 2024-2025 Annual Donation Drive has closed and incentives have been delivered. 

Thank you to all who participated! 


Your generosity has allowed us to sustain our efforts in making a difference in the community of T.H. Rogers.
We appreciate your kindness!

Visit Annual Donation Drive Page 


Please take a moment to update your Family Information and your student's Homeroom Teacher. This will help us keep our records up-to-date and ensure that we can contact you in case of an emergency. Just a few clicks and you are done! 


From the Home Page, click "Login / Register"

Select "Family Information," update Your Contact Information, and select "Next Step"

Update Student Information and select "Save"


Wishing all a great 2024-25 school year!




Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS)

  VIPS Registration is now open.  Complete the registration steps to become an APPROVED VIPS volunteer for the 2024-2025 school year.


Visit "Volunteer with HISD" site to Register 


Did you know there is an official PTO Facebook Page? We’ll be posting about our upcoming events, fundraisers, volunteer opportunities, and other latest news and updates.


Don’t forget to like and follow our page to stay up-to-date with our latest posts. Thank you for your support!  



2024-2025 Community Partners

 Would you like to learn more about our Community Partners and have your logo advertised within our community?

Please contact us at: or click HERE to Sponsor! 

See all Community Partners here!